Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Viva Vivaldi

Buona vita nel'anno nouvo. Is that the way its said? I guess that would be saying that the good life, buona vita, is in, "inside of", nel, the new year. Which isn't what I meant, but sort of nice. Poetical. And thats my question. Does the poetical blurring of reality by language create some of the meta-substances we base so much of our lives on? I don't think so, but its a question anyway.
Vivaldi! He, formidable master of the Baroquean pitch, is the composer of the week. I've been listening to the Four Seasons, which you've heard nearly in entirety even if you think you haven't. La Stravaganza is next in the queue. His music feels like the Californian New Year: bright, busy, wealthy.


Dinner Woman said...

Ah yes, Vivaldi. I love the Four Seasons and have always wanted to hear it played live. I think the LA Phil performed it recently. Take advantage of student rush tickets while you still can. The Messiah Sing-Along at the W. Disney concert hall was amazing!

Have you ever read "Vita Nuova" by Dante? I saw it sitting on the Torrey shelf, read your blog, and for some reason my mind put the 2 together.

Justin said...

No, I haven't read La Vita Nuova, but look forward to that and The Divine Comedy in Italian once I have finally learned the language well enough.